That was long time ago, I think it was in year 2013. when we started. I was like, would be cool to have website, but then again, aint such thing to have one big website just for your own. One day young kids, now already grown young people (Leonardo, B-Dawg, and few more), asked me if we can create website and community.
I was right away like, sure, why not!? And all started very well. Site was created very fast, I spent few hours, and then few weeks to put it in shape. We had many moderators, story went epicly, we had over 1000 visitors in a week if I remember right, what was really impressive for a new site! Specially back then!
Do you know what <-(DD)-> means? Well as every community (we decided to be community, and not only clan, because on such big website, all clans can debate and gather, from all games and clans), we had to discuss about logo and name. Well my proposal was to have arrows as marks of attack, slashes as cool extension to arrows (looks like spears), and then brackets as symbols of defense. Now we come to the community name part. At first in brackets every user could use his own name or nickname initials, that was my idea, so I took DD for me. But rest of the guys decided that this would cause too much difference between us, so they took DD initials also. Then we needed to discuss together what would be community name, and back then was cool for me to say Double Damagers, what they accepted also. What is point of that name? Well despite thing that we accepted all people, begginers and proffesionals also, our goal was to play as best as we can, so yes, somehow that was perfect name for those tags.
After we aranged all, things started great, it was nice and fun. But then someone had to start first, and you know it is important to maintain reputation and skills into one, and normally that was me. Before first fight there was a lot of preasure, but normally positive one, because I had a lot of expectations from myself, and those young people also. And yes, I won in first fight with community marks, that was great success, because win was very important, but also very convincing, so convincing that my opponent left. So yes, all was great, specially because in 2013. I played best game of my life. I was really really impressive. We started really strong and we became very well known very soon, because with good reputation, good games and a lot of visits, you are popular. All was nice.
But then, as often, things had to go in some other direction. Very soon some people played less, some played other games too, some were under preasure of other people, and some decided to open their own community. All that had impact on this community, for some time we tried to be in friendly connected community relations, and after some time I was very soon on my own, as people would say one man society. Why? Well honestly it would be stupid to abandon something what is your work, art and passion, so I decided to move on, specially because I have still so many materials to put on from past times and now from other games too.
I am proud on this great and nice road, all started in for me best game ever, Deus Ex. You can see in Community section list of my gaming friends that were part of my beautiful story, which normally I remember only for good things.
Now I am playing some games, most on still very very good level, and once I finish all materials this website would be very nice filled. I have to say that we started with Weebly at first, but after few versions I was just forced to pass on Wix. I was sad, but that was just only option I had because my editing was super hard, better to say impossible, and now when I look, that was best possible decision, specially because site still had unique and great look. Thansition was done in 2017. I think, and I have to say now looks even better.
Huge thank you to all of you who were, who are, and still will be part of this story. Big respect for all good, to all, and wish you all best.
Thank you for reading mine/ours DD Gaming Community story.
With respect,