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Free for all is great! | Urban Terror

I always loved free for all because of all guns and mode that allows you to play and move on better ways. Fun is before all in there, but such epic number of great players comes in there so its very competitive and very hard. In few cases I played against almost all best players at same time, I managed to win, some matches are also on youtube, but still it is hard to describe how hard to win some matches were.

I will show you here matches from maps Druglord, Graveyard, Skylift, Superman & Terrorism6. What to say about them in short? Druglord is mostly open map with some cool hidding spots where you can snipe on even easier way. Sometimes I used that, was kinda fun. Graveyard is very unique map where you could spawn on multiple high ground places, including clowd, and you had then serious advantage. Very open and big map, but fun to play it, great for all guns.

Skylift is also very big map, but despite of a lot of open places you had to mostly play with more guns because of multiple layers of level and fact that players could sneak towards you and sometimes you didnt see them. Superman is such a great map, I love that map since start, great for sniping mostly and a lot of great places to control all map. Terrorism6 is where sometimes I struggle a lot to win, I use there mostly heavy guns and rush and skills tactic because of epic players against which I playing. Sometimes experience and skills are only way you can win there. A lot of great matches in those maps, check them out.

Darko (DD Team Leader)

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