How to setup Deux Ex MasterServer
In this article I will help you to setup Deus Ex game for gameplay in Multiplayer. As you probably know, at some point GameSpy that hosted Deus Ex servers has shut down all servers, and Deus Ex community was literally in situation to loose multiplayer totally, or to do something and create new MasterServer and have fun as always.
Speaking of that, I wish to say thank you to all people who were involved in solving this problem. I adore this game, I am playing it since demo version, but in Multiplayer I came very late, in 2011., so it was important for me to continue playing this game online since I adore it, and it is my favorite game.
Do not worry, it is not any complicated procedure, it is not illegal either. As you know I do not support any changes in game files, nor manual binds in game files. In this case you just have to do this step in order to play in Deus Ex Multiplayer.
First go to: File Explorer (Windows) -> This PC -> Local Disc -> Deus Ex -> System -> Deus Ex notepad file
In case you can not find it, just search for Deus Ex file name, but with setup modification file type, and if you see text inside, it should be it. Scroll down till you see Master Server Adress line. It should be between Deus Ex Menu Screen Join Game, and Engine Game Replication Info lines. When you find it replace only part after =. Remove next part: and replace it with next:
Now when you did that, your whole new line should be like this:
If it is, that should be it. Look picture in this text to see how that should look like, and between which lines this is. Just save your file, and start to play Deus Ex. Your Multiplayer should work now just fine. In case that list is not updated right away, try to refresh few times, sometimes also takes some time to show servers.

Hope this article helped you. Have fun!
Darko (Team Leader)