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How provocators work in Deus Ex

As in most of the games, people that abuse and troll/provocate are always there. Sadly I have to say in Deus Ex there was a lot of them, like really a lot. From some proofs and records I know that people took my nickname a lot. Names that were involved in that were Dani, Anax, Fear, Sinthetic, Solid, Machete and Reclaimer. Could be there was more of them. Worst part is that some of them also abused game, what was documented and some of them admitted that later. Some use that novadays even further. Some of them called others about hacks, while they used things like pistol hacks, abused mtl and spawned medkits into inventory, they used wall hack, some superbinds (what is now normal for them), and raised fps (what they claim as normal). I dont hold grudge, but its hilarious. So why they do it? If you bet them while they use all that, you are on their radar, because I never liked cheaters and called them out always in all games. Why not? Why to have respect to people who dont have respect to honesty, other people and game itself? So their war started, they started to use my nickname or clan marks, but also film fake movies and pictures of my games. I saw them how they do it, but other people also. You know its hard to believe in such stories when on other side I beaten them in front of all just few hours later. Still that lasted long time, some of them like Reclaimer doing it novadays also. I dont care much because result speak for themself. You can see how all that ended for them. Not good I would say. I had epic ammount of matches against them and I won in most of them. It was not easy always, there was hard days, but love towards this game and respect to all good people pushed me further so I trained more and more and I made it. I am proud on my results, because I trained for hours and hours until I become great player and played on epic level. 

As I said I dont hold grudge, and past is past, people can change and sometimes they behave better and become better people. But wins are wins and I documented some of those.

On first picture I won in fight against Dani+el (Fear), *[:¤:]*Dani§aggenza and Raven. Raven played against me in that match but I respect Raven a lot. We were great gaming friends and played a lot. I still remember that fight as it was yesterday, Dani and Fear called me out, but I played on that map a lot and was ready to fight and win.

Second picture is great example how to deal with people that provocate. I know 3 guys provocated me, so instead to fight with them I invited them to play against me and they accepted. We played in server with infinite augs, what was big mistake for them, since I am almost unbeatable in that mode. With that said, they made ragequit after my lead of 5:0. All of them were in negative score. Players that were there were FTA, [:¤:]  (Hivemind marks), and one guy with player name.

On third, fourth and fifth picture you can see my fight against [R]Specom. I was always in great conditions with R clan, but for some reason Specom played against me. All was kinda fine, but then he left 2 times during match and returned. Was solid match.

On sixth picture you can see result from game where I played with Norse! against provocator with nickname TheDarkestDarko, [17]machete and one more player, while second player was spectator. We managed to win but was close call fight.

On pictures 7, 8 and 9 you can see match against PrEqUeL, he left during match, but based on final score I would say was him who entered back with nickname Texture-Hacker, since server remembers score even if you change nickname till 5 minutes i think, and mine and his final score match.

On picture 10 I played great match with *[A!B]*Sev, SoldadoFoco, {XKT}FITSG and player. I was in good shape during that match.

Pictures 11, 12, 13, and 14 are from same day. I was in great shape, and there was a lot of trolling and provocations, but as I said many times, In such matches is key to be calm or play under the radar. Since I do not like to change nicknames I just played and controlled matches because I did my best. In first match I played against {XKT}FITSG, Mesky, B, MoaningMachine, STORMLOCKED, while AssertionFailed was spectator. I did great there. Second match was with same people, my performance was similar, only spectator changed nickname to Serbia and he provocated in there. Third match was without Mesky, rest is same, I did one more great match. Last match was something special because I played against 2 trolls/provocators and beaten them. One had nickname Serbia, other had nickname NoobChopstick. I am always proud when I beat such people so easy, because lets be honest, they dont deserve other than that with such behaviour.

On picture 15 I played with nickname <-(DD)->CryThis because I knew there will be intentions to provocate me. I played match against [HK]Anax and won that match. There was *[R]Unknown* but he entered shortly before end of the match, and spectators were *[A!B]Solid* and one more player. About R clan and Unknown I already told that I was cool with them, but when it comes to Unknown I have to say he was probably in best shape in 2017, when he was in my opinion best player around.

Picture 16 shows match where I played against *[R]§penss*, Player131, *[A!B]Solid* and DaniSagenzza, while *{17}TheClown* was spectator. I am sure they did not expect me there, but I came to win.

Picture 17 is real diamond because shows dirty way they did it in many cases. I played against 2 players, one was Observe, while other was fake Darko. In such cases I am exceptionally motivated, so win was only option.

Picture 18 shows how I played and won against Fear and one more player. In 2016 he came and told that we never played (but we did, in 2013 he and Dani lost against me in 1:1 matches, including fake Darko when I prooved that I am best player around, especially when I beaten multiple of best players alone. I know there were Phantom, Dani, Fear, Machete, Anax, maybe also Solid, while Lox joined to me later. We played on CargoStation Alpha. Dani and Fear lost also on Iceworld (also fake Darko tried and lost, but he was hard to beat) and later also on Zan-Gogh). So there was desire to beat him again since he claimed it was not him. Well here he had to be, and later he lost also on Die's server where he lost on more maps, one of them was Die's Bathroom.

Picture 19 shows very hard match against unknown player for me. That person had nickname fps_abuser and game was really really close, he had serious skills, but I managed to win that.

Picture 20 is one of best matches I could wish. I know in 2019 some guy came to me and tried to provocate me that I am fake Darko and similar, so he called me to play on Iceworld. He had good start with maybe 4:0, but with some time I turned that around very easy to 7:6. He lost more times also I remember we played on SunnySide when I had easy lead and decided to go away, but he claimed that I am scared, what made no sense since I had secure win, so I told him to come to server where he would have more chance, where I have worse conditions, so we continued on USA server. He lost there also, you have also video of full match on my youtube channel. This picture is from that match. Hope you will enjoy. Oh by the way, that is Reclaimer undercover. He is using aliases all the time while playing against me.

Picture 21 is legendary. That win is also online on my youtube. How story goes? Well Reclaimer started same as in 2019, because obviously every year they have courage to provocate again, mostly because they forget how good I was past year, or they hope I am not anymore in good shape. But they were and are in delusion. They called me out on 1:1, I waited them long time, so they made excuses, and Reclaimer refused to play on SunnySide. Anax and Reclaimers sidekick DarkSpartan came and played against me together, still they lost. After that Reclaimer provocated again that we should play on Void's server from Rhino. I came and waited for some time, and some player came with nickname Spoon (Reclaimer says its not him, but thats even worse since they saw me I am there, meaning he was scared to confront me), that player said he is not recording, but he did. In any case he lost, even worse after 3:0 he made ragequit and left. Personally would not surprise me it was either Reclaimer or DarkSpartan. I dont care much, win is win.

Honestly I wish good old crew returns again, because I miss friendly and legendary games with good and polite people.

Darko (DD Team Leader)

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