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Matches from FGS servers

Games in FGS servers were mostly fun and friendly. I remember great matches in past with many of my friends. Some of pictures in here are competitive, and they were filmed later. I will show you 7 of them.

On first picture is match where I played against guy with nickname Saroyen. Trolling is more than obvious, but when that happens I usually do even better. With him was one player, and Anax despite switched in my team did hand to hand with them. In my team was someone with dots, with very good score also.

Second picture shows 2:2 match where me and one more player beaten Anax and one more player. Our scores were impressive.

Third picture shows also 2:2 match, but this time I played with one player against phiuchus and fox45. That was way closer match, but we managed to secure win.

On fourth picture is one legendary match! I love that picture because I played with sinnow against one player, *[A!B]*Sev and (17)Machete. Have to say sinnow played wery good, and our win was more than great. Best part about that match is that even Machete had negative score and managed to pull it out eventually, but no matter that, great match.

On fifth picture you can see friendly match with 82Christos! Wow, well in here he was in epic shape, that was one close call match, but really really close call match. Always nice to play with him, cool guy! Its always nice to see him around.

Sixth picture shows game with me and one player against *[FGS]Chees*, *(17)TheClown* (Kai) and CarlRoberts. That match was not so intense for some reason, because win was more than secure. But I have to be honest, those guys can play good games. I know Kai is great gamer, so I had to be in very good shape that day.

On seventh picture I have match against (17)Carlos and one more person. Win was not in question. One solid performance.

All this is only tiny part of epic games we had in FGS servers. I remember servers full of people back in the days, we played a lot with Unreal guns in there, but there is more servers so you can pick what you love most.

Darko (DD Team Leader)

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