For start, this post is about greatest achievement of one society/clan/community. Since every start is important, our was epic. There was desire to win if first official fight, its not that important, but that is what makes legacy, and we did it with style, with convincing win.
Check more about this in this post:
Server with bots in style of Unreal is something unique, and great to play. I made few pictures from those matches, and have to say, you need to make solid performance to beat those bots, once they have sniper can be tricky.
Server with bots
In this post you can see some matches from 2015-2020. Those are only few of matches I played, but rest are already in some other posts. Check it out.
Matches from 2015-2020.
In Deus Ex, sadly, as in many other games, provocators do a lot of problems. I do not hold grudges but I do have materials to show some great matches and wins against them. Have fun.
How provocators work in Deus Ex
In some cases you need to play in silence, in peace and have focus on 200 % in order to win. That was case for me in such rare cases because we talk about people that mostly used my clan tags, cheated in game, trolled, or in some cases all that together. You would agree, best way to beat such people is to play under their radar to perform on maximum and to beat them best you can. Check more about those rare cases when I played undercover. Sure I did a lot of times with my nickname in past, but with time they started to use superbinds and raised fps, so peace is key all the way. Also in some cases they would not join if they would see me inside of server, and was important that they dont ragequit when I come, or that they come in. I am happy with results.
Rare undercover matches
I am always happy when I see my gaming friends around, and in 2016. I saw a lot of them. We played and talked a lot and had a lot of fun. I will show you some pictures in here.
Friendly games played in 2016.
In 2015. I had a lot of friendly games with my gaming friends. I will show you in here a lot of them. It is always nice to meet those guys, because games with them are always great and epic experience.
Friendly games played in 2015.
17 server was always unique, and I loved to play there. Always some fun, new modes, features, or a lot of action. No matter how you turn, there was always something new and cool to do.
Games in 17 server
FGS servers are one where I played a lot of great matches. In those pictures you can see only part of legendary matches we played there. Some matches were friendly, some were competitive, but many I didnt filmed. They host many servers so you can play what you decide.
Matches from FGS servers
Here are some friendly games from Chinny's server. Great memories and a lot of gaming friends in there. We had 2:2, 3:3 and 4:4 games. Some were close, some were more secure, but that is less important. Always nice to see Christos, Munij and Excsm around.
Friendly matches in Chinny's server
I play in Daedalus server every time I see it. Always nice games in there, he is polite person, and those are more than enough good reasons for me to play there. This is one picture of game played inside of Daedalus server.
Match in Daedalus server
My favorite gameplay in Deus Ex, Fun servers! I adore them! Sure I love all servers, but in Fun servers I had so many memories, and I improved myself as a player exactly in there, with a lot of training, based on maps that had several trainings inside. On those pictures you would see just tiny part from those servers.
Party in fun servers
When I play in (RA) servers I have always fun, and a lot of friendly matches. I love to be there every time I see them online. We dont play that often, but every time we talk, its always nice to see what is new, and talk about cool stuff. I have few pictures of my gaming friends. Some of those matches I still remember. Lot of fun in there.
Fun in (RA) server
One of my favorite places is for sure zXc server, when it goes to Deus Ex multiplayer! So many nice memories from those servers, all their users and leaders were and still are polite people. I just love to be there. There was much more people around, and way better matches, but I found only those few. Well for those I know they are from there.
Games in zXc server
As story in many cases goes, there are people who cant stand success of other people. I know mostly people are young, and they do stupidity, so I do not hold grudges. But when they take your nicknames, insult people and friends, when some people leave game, that can be bad experience. Still game is game, and results are captured. In all those cases my opponents lost, in many cases they even made ragequit. Fair result for what they did. Joke or not, I call that justice. You can read and see more here:
One on One fights for my society!
One of the best gaming performances of my whole gaming life, of better to say my best gaming era of my life (probably). Reflex shots I did, win ratio during whole year, speed and precision performance I did that year was just amazing. I know I was amazed, but playing few hours daily for several years did results. Seriously good results. It is best that you read more and check pictures here:
Legacy is made
This post is about fun match in Cagematch with great people, full review you can see in here:
Fun in Cagematch